
Lauren Charnow stofnandi

Lauren Charnow er fædd flytjandi sem ólst upp við söng og dans í leikfélagi foreldra sinna í Bandaríkjunum. Lauren lærði dans og leikfimi áður en hún fann loksins sanna ást sína, loftsilki. Lauren hefur stundað nám í sirkuslist og dansi í New York borg og stundað námskeið í Broadway Dance Center, Circus Warehouse og Steps. Eftir að hafa sótt Marymount Manhattan College í New York borg til að læra leiklist, stofnaði hún sinn eigin sirkusleikhóp í New York fylki. Hún sótti Skidmore háskólann þar sem hún fór á námskeið í dansi, leikhúsi, líffærafræði, hreyfifræði og hreyfingarfræði. Hún hefur stundað nám í sirkuslistum við Circus Arts Institute í Atlanta, Georgíu þar sem hún fékk skírteini fyrir loftkennslu í silki og sirkusmeðferð (með því að nota sirkus til að vinna með einstaklingum með mismun á námi). Lauren hefur fengið skírteini fyrir sirkusjóga (eins konar loftfimleikafélaga) auk kennslu í hengirúm/slyngi (Spin City). Hún hefur stundað nám í sirkus við NECCA í Vermont Bandaríkjunum og tók þátt í Caravan Social Circus Training Program við nám í Le Plus Petit Cirque Du Monde í Frakklandi, Ecole de Cirque de Bruxelles, Sorin Sirkus í Finnlandi og CABUWAZI í Berlín. Hún hefur helgað undanfarin tólf ár ævi sinnar til að kenna sirkus og rannsaka listir í sirkus. Í Chicago kom hún fram með Comedy Dance Collective og á sýningum Aloft Circus Arts. Lauren er stofnandi Kría Aerial Arts sem opnaði árið 2020 og höfundur Kría Aerial Arts Absolute Beginner Essential Guide and Journal . Markmið hennar er að gera silki úr lofti aðgengilegt öllum sem vilja læra ótrúlega hluti sem þeir eru færir um að ná
Alice Demurtas kennari

Tónleikaferðalag Alice hófst ekki fyrr en á menntaskólaárunum, þegar hún dróst að smáframleiðslu sem hvatti hana til að gera tilraunir meira með leikhús og sjálfstjáningu. Það var þó ekki fyrr en nýlega sem Alice ákvað að víkka sjóndeildarhringinn og ganga til liðs við leiðbeinandann og vinkonuna Lauren Charnow í fleiri tilraunaverkefnum. Árið 2019, eftir tveggja ára stangarþjálfun, byrjaði Alice að þjálfa silki úr lofti í Reykjavík. Það var ást við fyrstu umbúðir. Fyrir áramót hafði Alice byrjað ferð sína sem silkikennari og flytjandi, en hún gekk einnig til liðs við Lauren Charnow sem hluti af sýningafyrirtækinu Charnow, Kría Aerial Arts, sem inniheldur bæði silkiframleiðslu úr lofti og trúðasýningar fyrir börn og unglinga. Sumarið 2020 kynntu tvíeykið fyrsta sameiginlega gjörning sinn sem kallast Rebirth - loftkönnun fortíðar og framtíðar, sem var kynnt á Reykjavík Fringe Festival og Ludlow Fringe Festival. Árið 2021 lék Alice sem Space Cat í GAME ON sem er að undirbúa sig fyrir heimsreisu hennar árið 2022.
Nick Candy Aerial Silks Instructor

Since graduating the W.A Academy of Performing Arts in 2004, Nick Candy has worked as an actor, circus performer and puppeteer all over the world. In Iceland, he was a founding member of Sirkus Íslands, as an aerialist and clown. He has performed throughout the country in the big top and at festivals. Nick has also worked as circus director at the National theatre of Iceland in ‘Slá í Gegn’ which won the Stage award for choreography in 2019 and in 2020-22 for the childrens 'Kardemommubærinn' which performed over 100 shows. With Hringleikur circus group, Nick has been a board member teacher and performer. Recently with the ensemble show 'Allra Veðra Von' won the movement and choreography award at the Icelandic theatre awards in 2021. Nick has also toured the independent Bunraku puppet theatre show ‘Á Eigin Fótum’ at a number of festivals across Europe. In his hometown of Perth, Nick has worked as an actor for Black Swan, Deckchair theatre, Shakespeare in the Park and a host of independent productions. He is also a trained teacher and Clown Doctor.
Eyrún A Aerial Silks Instructor

Eyrún Ævarsdóttir, an Icelandic circus artist and aerial instructor, graduated from Codarts Circus Arts in Rotterdam. Since then, she has been a driving force in the Icelandic circus scene, actively contributing to its growth and development. Eyrún is a co-founder and key figure at Hringleikur Circus Company, where she leads various innovative projects. As an accomplished aerialist and acrobat, she not only creates captivating circus shows but also imparts her expertise as a teacher. Currently, Eyrún is dedicated to teaching advanced silks and directing the youth performance team, fostering the next generation of circus talent.
Justyna Micota Aerial Silks Instructor

Justyna Micota began her aerial silks journey in 2019 in the capital of Poland. She swiftly developed a strong passion for this art form. Starting dance classes at the age of 7 encompassing ballet, modern jazz, and hip hop, aerial silks was a natural progression for her. Focused on mastering techniques and maintaining resilience, Justyna admires how aerial silks blend dance, strength, balance, courage, flexibility, and curiosity. Justyna combines her knowledge and experience from dance class with aerial technique in her classes to explore sequences and drops that are full of grace and beauty.
Nora Jacob Aerial Silks Instructor

Nora Jacob originally from northern Germany, explored a wide range of martial arts before discovering her passion for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ). In 2019, a friend introduced her to aerial flex classes, describing the experience as akin to "floating in the air." Nora's fascination with aerial arts persisted until she officially joined her first aerial silk class in 2022, igniting an immediate and lasting passion.
Shifting her focus from martial arts to aerial silks, Nora dedicated herself to mastering this art form. She believes in a comprehensive training approach, emphasizing the importance of cross-training to develop the necessary strength and flexibility for aerial performance. Nora integrates movement, flex, and strengthening classes into her routine, recognizing their crucial role not only in honing her aerial skills but also in creating effective warm-ups and conditioning programs for her students.
For Nora, aerial silks represent a captivating fusion of beauty and challenge, evoking the sensation of graceful flight through the air. Her commitment to refining her skills and sharing her passion underscores her dedication to the dynamic realm of aerial performance.
Anna Sunneborn Guðnadóttir Aerial Silks Instructor

Anna Sunneborn Gudnadottir tried aerial silks for the first time in 2019 as a way to build up strength for other types aerial arts, but fell in love with silks and the surrounding community. Being someone who loves climbing things and the adrenaline that follows Anna has never looked back. Having never tried anything like silks she knows the struggle of trying something new and not immediately understanding it and recognises the importance of small victories and setting realistic goals.
Urður Ýrr Lyra Instructor

Urður Ýrr is a mesmerizing aerial artist, showcasing her talents in hoop, trapeze, silks, acrobatics, and juggling. With a background in gymnastics and dance, she seamlessly blends grace and strength in her captivating routines. Outside the circus, she delves into the world of biostatistics. In the air, Urður Ýrr mesmerizes audiences with dynamic and intricate movements, leaving them spellbound. As a dedicated teacher, she shares her expertise in aerial arts at renowned institutions both in Iceland and abroad. Having performed with esteemed circus companies and embarked on international tours, she continues to push the boundaries of possibility, leaving an indelible mark on the world of aerial arts with her unwavering dedication, artistry, and passion.