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Loftnáms silki flokkar

Intro to Silks with Nora Jacob

This class is for students flying for the first time. We will learn basic body positions in silks and learn how to tie knots. Students will learn foundational movements that will allow them to learn sequences. We will start close to the ground and once students are confident in their movements they will learn to climb and do tricks in the air. There are no prerequisites for this course.

This course meets one time per week for 8 weeks at the Hringleikur Gym at Sævarhöfði 31

13- hour course starting on January 22nd

Mondays 17:30-18:30

Price: 36.000isk (2769kr per hour)

Silks 1 with Nora Jacobs

Þessi kennslustund er fyrir nemendur sem eru færir um að festa sig á silkunum. Við munum æfa sig á að beygja silkið í kringum líkamann til að búa til nýjar fjölþættar stellingar. Brellur sem verða ræddar á þessu námskeiði eru Rebekah Split, Candy-Cane Roll Up, tónlistarkassi sem og aðrir. Við munum æfa okkur í að klifra og gera þessi brellur hærra í loftinu. 

Námskeiðið hittist tvisvar í viku í 6 vikur

12 tíma námskeið sem hefst 22. januar

Mánudaga og miðvikudaga 20: 00-21: 00

36.000isk (2769kr per hour)

Silks 2 (Intermediate Aerial Silks) með Alice Demurtas

Þessi kennslustund er fyrir nemendur sem þekkja fót hnút, Candy-Cane Roll Up og eru fullvissir um líkamsstöðu sína. Við munum leggja áherslu á að byggja upp styrk og læra margþrepa brellur. Við munum læra ýmsa klifra og byrja að læra grundvallarfærni fyrir dropa. Nemendur munu byrja að setja saman brellur og búa til sínar eigin röð. Nemendur verða að ljúka Silks 1 eða hafa fyrri reynslu til að skrá sig á þetta námskeið.

Námskeiðið hittist tvisvar í viku í 6 vikur

26 tíma námskeið sem hefst 9. januar

Þriðjudaga og fimmtudaga 19: 00-20: 00

Verð:  68.000kr (2615 kr per tíma)

Silks 3 (Advanced Aerial Silks) með Nick Candy

Þessi kennslustund er fyrir nemendur sem eru ánægðir með að komast í þverbak. Við munum vinna að hvolfi, hnékrókur klifrar og lækkar. Nemendur munu læra flóknari röð og umbúðir þegar þeir öðlast styrk og skilning á loftsilkakenningu. Nemendur verða að ljúka Silks 2 eða hafa fyrri reynslu til að skrá sig á þetta námskeið.

Námskeiðið hittist tvisvar í viku í 6 vikur. 

26 tíma námskeið sem hefst 9. januar

Þriðjudaga 19: 00-21: 00

Verð:  68.000kr (2615 kr per tíma)

Silks 4 with Eyrún Ævarsdóttir

This class will focus on aerial silks technique - climbs, aerial movements, dynamics, and positions. Learn new tricks while working on strength, conditioning, and flexibility. The class is perfect for those looking to expand their knowledge of aerial techniques and skills. We work from the starting point of each participant regarding ability and interest, but to join this class there is a prerequisite of being able to straddle (go up-side-down) in the air.

The Monday course meets for 13 weeks at the Fylkir Gymnastics Gym at Norðlingabraut 12 and the Wednesday course meets one time per week for 13 weeks at the Hringleikur Gym at Sævarhöfði 31


26 hour course starting January 15th

Mondays 19:00-21:00

Fylkir Gymnastics Gym at Norðlingabraut 12

Price: 68.000kr (2615 kr per class)

* It is possible to pay in 4 installments throughout the session 



26 hour course starting January 10th

Wednesdays 17:30-19:30

Hringleikur Gym at Sævarhöfði 31

Price: 68.000kr (2615 kr per class)

* It is possible to pay in 4 installments throughout the session 


Drops and Sequences with Justyna Micota 

This class will focus on exploring new drops and variations, alongside refining familiar ones. We'll delve into creating beautiful sequences while receiving guidance on keeping your legs straight and engaged while airborne. Students must be able to drop a single star to join this course. 

This course meets one time per week for 13 weeks at the Fylkir Gymnastics Gym at Norðlingabraut 12

13-hour course starting January 11th

Thursdays 19:00-20:00

Price: 36.000isk (2769kr per hour)


Aerial Strength with Alice Demurtas

Engage in an invigorating aerial strength class designed to push your limits and elevate your fitness journey. Discover a fusion of exercises, both on the ground and on the silks, meticulously crafted to sculpt muscles, enhance coordination, and stimulate mental agility. Targeting the core, arms, back, and shoulders, these activities amplify strength while offering a dynamic workout experience. Whether you're seeking to amplify your trick repertoire or craving a fresh challenge in your exercise routine, this class caters to students yearning to fortify their strength for soaring to new heights in their aerial pursuits or embracing a thrilling workout challenge.

13-hour course starting January 11th

Thursdays 20:00-21:00

Price: 36.000isk (2769kr per hour)


Act Creation/Self Study with Lauren Charnow

Act Creation is an opportunity for students enrolled in one other aerial course to take what they are learning in class and create their own act. Students will receive one on one attention from Lauren Charnow to work on transitions between tricks and link sequences together. Each class will focus on a different challenge to inspire creative movements. This is the perfect complement to regular courses if you are looking to take your training to the next level. Students will have the opportunity to perform their acts in showcases at the end of the session. This class meets once a week for 13 weeks.

26-hour course starting January 12th

Fridays 17:30-19:30

Price: 68.000isk (2615kr per hour)


Yellow Organic Summer Camp Schedule (6).png
Yellow Organic Summer Camp Schedule (5).png

Silks 1, 2, 3 and Mon. Silks 4 takes place at
Fylkir Gymnastics Gym
Norðlingabraut 12 ,110 Reykjavík Iceland

Wed.Silks 4, Act Creation, Lyra,  and Intro to Silks take place at Sirkushúsnæði Hringleiks
Sævarhöfði 31, 110 Reykjavík Iceland

Aerial Silks Absolute Beginner Workbook

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Kría Aerial Arts Absolute Beginner Workbook er nú hægt að kaupa á PDF formi. Þetta er skref-fyrir-skref handbók sýnd með glæsilegu listaverki sem Claudia Grevsmuehl bjó til.

Bókin fylgir námskránni sem Lauren Charnow bjó til og notaði í Kria Aerial Art's Absolute Beginner Class. Lestu hvert skref til að skilja að fullu brellurnar sem þú ert að læra í bekknum. Frábær leið til að taka þátt í loftsilki þegar þú getur líkamlega ekki verið á silkinu.

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